Raptors descend on Pullman for Mom’s Weekend
April 10, 2015
WSU’s Raptor Club will hold its annual Mom’s Weekend Silent Auction in Butch’s Den (CUB L60) on Saturday from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
The auction will feature jewelry, artwork, handbags, wine baskets, and gift certificates. All items are donated from local businesses and individuals.
Nickol Finch, WSU clinical assistant professor and adviser of the Raptor Club, said that this auction and others like it are critical in raising funds for WSU’s raptors.
“All of this money goes toward taking care of the animals in one way or another,” Finch said. “Most of it, actually, is going toward finishing our building.”
The renovated Stauber Raptor facility had its grand opening in 2008 after flight cages and bird enclosures were added. This was considered Phase 1 of the facility’s renovations.
Phase 2 will replace the building’s siding and add a food preparation area and an examination room, as well as finishing an office.
According to Finch, Phase 2 will cost approximately $100,000. Most of this money will be raised via auctions and educational presentations held by the Raptor Club.
Birds that classify as raptors include hawks, falcons, owls, eagles, ospreys, buzzards and others.
“Basically, it’s a bird of prey,” Finch said. “So, any of those birds that traditionally would catch live prey animals and consume them.”
The Raptor Club has 12 resident birds: five owls, three hawks, two kestrels, one eagle, and one harrier.
All birds have permanent injuries and defects that prevent them from being released back into the wild.
Auction attendees will have the opportunity to meet some of the club’s resident birds and their handlers.
Throughout the year, the Raptor Club holds presentations at fairs, summer camps, schools and service organizations in order to educate about raptor conservation.
These presentations can be requested by individuals and organizations throughout the year.
Reporting by Alysen Boston