ASWSU Director of Community Affairs Fatimah Albaqshi gives a presentation during an ASWSU meeting in the CUB, Wednesday, Nov. 11, 2021, in Pullman.
ASWSU senators discussed Restaurant Week, sexual assault trainings and affordable housing during a meeting Wednesday night.
Community Affairs Director Fatimah Albaqshi spoke about the recent Restaurant Week and possible upcoming events. Despite attendance being low in the past, 198 out of the 200 possible students went to the different restaurants. Albaqshi said she is excited to think of ways to expand the event for the spring semester.
She said she is hoping to plan a similar event to take place during dead week that would allow students to get $2 off of their coffee at different locations every day of the week. The details have not been confirmed and the event is still in the works.
All-Campus Senator Nikolai Sublett said he is interested in looking at more affordable housing options for students, especially those required to live in the dorms. He is also hoping to discuss training for sexual assault forensic exams and how to make the training more accessible and less intimidating.
Education Senator Jack Maloy said he wants to discuss the standards of new housing in Pullman and work toward sustainable development as opposed to the quick building that has been seen the past few years.
Gabrielle Lund, College of Arts and Sciences senator, said she is interested in educating students about Pullman’s water supply and how to conserve the limited supply the area has access to. She also hopes to improve the consistency of Wi-Fi on campus.
Pro Tempore Katie Carstens said she wants to work on making Cougar Health Services more accessible to students and ensuring the care provided is held to a high standard.
She also said she wants to see the airport increase the number of flights to eventually lower airfare prices.
The senators discussed their hopes for the Pullman 2040 project, which works to improve several different elements of the city to create the Pullman the residents want to see in the year 2040.
Reid Donaldson, College of Agriculture, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences senator, said he wants to look into what can be done about the lack of employees available for plowing and maintaining roads during the colder months.