As election day is on Tuesday, students at WSU are making the decision as to whether or not they will cast their ballot.
Golrokh Ros Maleki said she doesn’t pay a lot of attention, but she noticed that as election day draws closer, more politicians are speaking out against the regime in Iran, the country she is from, but observed very few politicians speaking out against Iran before the election.
The lack of attention is primarily because she is an international student and some international students are unable to vote based on their visa status.
Maleki said she believes that politicians are manipulating students to try to get their votes without really earning them.
“They are just using the students’ beautiful minds, just dragging them this way and that way,” she said. “If you ask me, both parties are just magnifying their success and hiding their failure.”
Maleki said she encourages all students who are able, to vote so they can make their voices heard about the direction they want the country to go.
“The thing is whatever party we chose, we’re gaining something and losing something,” Maleki said. “Something I noticed is most people vote based on emotion.”
Maleki said she noticed most voters do not vote based on their evaluation of the past few years, but on the effect recent advertisements and social media posts have on them.
Sophomore finance major Miles Soeder said he will be voting in the elections and stresses the importance of doing so.
“I think voting is how we maintain democracy,” Soeder said. “It’s essentially the duty of every citizen to put their two cents in about who they think should be in charge.”
Soeder said the most important issues for him in the election are the overturning of Roe v Wade, the health of the economy and climate change. He supports WSU drawing more attention to student voter resources.
“I think we don’t have enough voters so anything we can do to get more voters is a good thing,” he said. “Most of my friends aren’t interested in it even though they recognize it’s a big deal.”
Soeder said he encourages more students to vote often and become a bigger force in elections.
“It’s important because we all need to become politically savvy because we’re the future of this country,” he said.
Emely Duran, junior political science major, said she will be voting in the upcoming elections. She identified the repeal of Roe v Wade and student loan forgiveness as the biggest issues for her.
“We all have our own perspective on parties and it’s ok to have your own perspective on that,” Duran said. “For sure abortion, I think that’s one of the biggest ones for me.”
Duran said it is important to vote so every student can make clear her own perspective, she wanted to make sure she voted to voice her disapproval at of the policies of former President Donald Trump.
Duran said as a political science major, she has been made aware of many of the resources and help WSU provides for students hoping to vote and has paid close attention to the election cycle, attending many of the events held by the Foley Institute.
She said she supports WSU drawing more attention to resources to help students with voting because she has noticed a lot of students choosing not to participate in elections.
“I think a lot of people in general don’t like politics, it is kind of confusing,” Duran said. “I think WSU should have an easier way to get their attention in politics.”