Students intern to promote JoyRun app
JoyRun allows people to make money while picking up others’ food
LATISHA JENSEN | The Daily Evergreen
Student interns speak with people passing by on the Glenn Terrell Friendship Mall, offering free food, such as pizza and donuts, to those who sign up on the app.
October 2, 2017
A new food delivery app is gaining popularity on WSU’s campus. JoyRun, founded in 2015 and based out of Silicon Valley, California, is a community-oriented food delivery system.
Alexander Allen, a marketing growth intern for JoyRun, said the app is a peer-to-peer, campus-wide delivery service. JoyRun is at more than 50 universities around the nation including WSU, Allen said.
Working and interning for JoyRun allows students to take what they’re learning in school and apply it to a real-life business, Allen said. Allen is majoring in marketing and advertising.
JoyRun makes it possible to request a run to a local store or restaurant, such as McDonald’s, Taco Bell or Dissmore’s IGA.
Someone on the app will then see the request, pick up the order and deliver it anywhere on or close to campus, Allen said. It is also possible to join orders at desired stores or restaurants that other people have already requested.
The app serves to help and strengthen the community, Allen said. JoyRun makes it easy to be on the delivering side of the app as well, he said.
It allows people to deliver food by picking up preexisting run requests or making runs to popular locations and waiting for peoples’ orders, Allen said.
College students are constantly busy and don’t always have time to run errands, or get food for themselves throughout the day, Allen said. JoyRun gives people who are already going to these places the opportunity to make a couple dollars, he said.
“It’s just a way you can help out a neighbor and get a little bit in return,” Allen said.
Dominique Stewart, also a marketing growth intern for JoyRun, said the goal of the company is to transform everyday deliveries into community experiences. This app has helped WSU as a whole become friendlier with each other, Stewart said.
Stewart is majoring in advertising and minoring in business, and she said she also feels that her skills are being put to good use while working for JoyRun. It’s a great thing to get involved in for business and communication majors, she said.
“I like interacting with all the students on campus since we are giving out a lot of discounts, promos and free food at tabling events. It makes people excited, and I like seeing people happy,” Stewart said.
Offering students an app that is useful in their everyday lives is important, Stewart said.
The app has done promo codes such as 50 cents for 20 chicken nuggets from McDonald’s with free delivery, Allen said.
JoyRun plans on continuing to offer deals like this, and do tabling on campus throughout the year, Allen said.
At the moment, JoyRun’s main concern isn’t money, but getting their name out there and assisting college students with everyday tasks, Allen said.
“At the end of the day, you can say I started something at WSU that has never happened and made it a thing, this is how we did it,” Allen said.
To get involved with JoyRun, download the app or visit one of the tabling events on campus outside the CUB.