Intoxicated intercourse a necessary experience

There are problems, benefits to having sex while drunk, high


ALEX PETTIT ESTELL | Evergreen Photo Illustration

Drunkenness and horniness go hand-in-hand, but often lead to regrets the next morning, one columnist argues.

KAYLA SIMONSON, Evergreen reporter

If you need to be high or drunk to have sex, there’s probably an underlying issue. But if you haven’t had sex under some form of influence, how deeply are you penetrating the depth of life?

It’s hard to find something that helps clean the pipes as well as Mary J does. It’s no secret that marijuana arouses sensations that you didn’t know existed. If you’ve ever showered, pet a puppy or ate pudding while high, you know exactly what I’m talking about.

With a heightened awareness of sensory input, everyone reacts differently. If you’re not in a good state of mind, or get triggered by something, you may become paranoid, which most likely would inhibit sex.

If you get too high off a strain of indica, you may end up in the couch rather than in the sheets. But, if you get too high off sativa, you may end up hyper fixated on the fact that when you and your partner(s) touch, the sensation is just a reaction of your electromagnetic fields grinding on each other.

Stoned sex may lead to some weird conversations, but when done right, the waves of ecstasy may leave you wet for days.

As a gay woman, I may have a unique perspective. Men typically experience a refractory period after having an orgasm, while women do not. Because of this, lesbian sex is more likely to last longer, with increased chances of having multiple orgasms. Lesbian sex can last for hours.

Regardless, a female student agrees that stoned sex is more enjoyable because of heightened senses and a deeper connection to the person you are engaged in activity with.

“Having sex while high is electrifying,” she said. “Drunk sex is pretty animalistic. It’s often quick and dirty — but it’s also kinky.”

It depends what kind of sex you’re into, she said. Drunk sex can be a lot of fun, and you’re more likely to be open to new sexual experiences.

It’s evident that drunkenness and horniness go hand-in-hand. Everyone is trying to get laid when they’re drunk, she said. Self-consciousness in bed, often a problem that dulls sexual experiences for women, usually goes away when drunk.

Personally, my drunk sex experience has mostly consisted of drunk goggles, numbness, limited pleasure, feelings of nausea and regrets.

After talking to many people, the consensus was most people preferred sober sex. And of those who enjoyed intoxicated sex more, preferred to be high rather than drunk.

Regardless of how you prefer sex, remember to be safe, use protection and be grateful to legally experience stoned sex.

And most importantly, an overly intoxicated “yes” is not enough for consent. Set boundaries before you start drinking. If you or your partner aren’t cognitive enough to think or act rationally, it’s not worth it. When under the influence, there’s a point when the line between sex and rape becomes blurred like everything else, so be smart.


Editor’s note: It is important for individuals to be knowledgeable about consenting under the influence. Read our column here.