Can hand size help predict erect penis size?


MICHAEL LINDER | Evergreen Photo Illustration

A small difference between ring and index fingers could indicate a larger erect penis. A larger difference could imply a smaller penis.

JENNIFER FORSMANN, Evergreen reporter


There have been several studies that have found that finger ratio does correspond with penis length.

The studies have concluded that the ratio between a man’s index finger and ring finger can predict erection size. A smaller difference in length between these two fingers means a higher likelihood of a larger penis.

The first of such study was a Korean study in 2011. Close to 150 men, undergoing urological surgery, were measured for in several places, the correlation was then discovered.

Two separate studies in 2015, one Korean and one Egyptian, showed the same correlation. The measurements from 2,000 healthy men confirmed the same.

The ultimate determiner of penis length comes from prenatal origins.

A 2009 study of rats supported that the amount of exposure to the hormone androgen, while in the womb, affects finger and penis size. This period of development, called the “masculinization programming window,” according to the study, is at about eight to 12 weeks, and is the time for maximal growth potential of the penis.