Reader reactions: Limited resident parking on College Hill discussed

Readers react to an article about the Pullman City Council possibly displacing street-parked vehicles on College Hill during university breaks in order to perform maintenance, such as snow, leaf and gravel removal.

Read the full article here.

Daniel Stuart Hoffman: “Pullman is happy to take the revenue that having a major university in town brings, but absolutely useless when it comes to representing the interests of the people responsible for that revenue.”

Katie McDaniel: “The measures described in the article seemed pretty accommodating to me. College Hill’s roads are in desperate need of tender loving care.”

Glen Cunnington: “I’m sure the City of Pullman can give them notices before breaks. Like, take the cars home during Thanksgiving, pick them back up after Christmas break. And individuals can work it out amongst themselves who brings their car back and who doesn’t during that time. That seems pretty reasonable to me.”

Genevieve Yates: “Not everybody drives home, as it isn’t always the safest. Leaving your car at your campus home is reasonable.”

Callie Shackelford: “Well, if they let it go any longer, it’ll be a moot point because the roads will be impossible to drive on.”