Pushed me to grow


Strategic communication major Kelsey Jones started working at Student Media her freshmen year.

KELSEY JONES, Visitor's Guide Magazine editor

I showed up to my interview in a full pantsuit before I had even started school at WSU, and I was nearly late to the interview because I couldn’t find the newsroom. Three and a half years later, I spend almost as much time in the basement of Murrow as I do in my apartment.

Student Media pushed me to grow in ways that I never thought possible. I developed incredibly close relationships with so many phenomenal individuals through the shared stress of hours and hours in the newsroom, constantly looming deadlines, tough decisions and all the other things involved with being a journalist while still a student.

I was lucky enough to come on as an editor just before Candace Baltz, our former director, moved on to Oregon State. She provided immense support and through long talks with her and other strong women in the newsroom, I was able to really grow as a feminist. They taught me that there was nothing I couldn’t do while at the same time teaching me how to navigate a misogynistic world.

From the editor-in-chief who pulled me into his office every week to go over a sticky note filled with constructive criticisms and praise for my stories, to the reporters I had the privilege of leading when I became an editor during the spring of my freshman year, I learned so much about hard work and leadership in that newsroom. Even when I stepped down as a senior section editor for the sports section after my sophomore year, I didn’t stray too far. I took up residence down the hall and took over the magazine, which became a great adventure in creativity.

Those relationships, the ones forged by late nights, pizza parties and the hours on end spent together, mean far more to me than any of the tangible benefits of Student Media — although I am very thankful for the awards and powerful stories as well. Student Media gave me a place to thrive, to fail and then succeed the next time, to lead and shape people, to learn what time management means and to truly write well.

I will be graduating Saturday after three and a half years at WSU and at Student Media. It is hard to imagine not saying “hi” to Tracy every morning, or wandering down to the newsroom when I want a snack or someone to talk to. Undeniably, it was incredibly taxing work — being an editor and a full-time student — but there was never a point where I would have wanted it any other way.

Student Media gave me my first family at WSU. It gave me my best friend, who has supported me through some of the hardest parts of my life. It gave numerous opportunities to learn how to be a better leader and thinker. It gave me I place for my confidence to grow, a place to make mistakes and learn from them.

As I see Pullman fade in the rearview mirror, I will be saying good-bye to WSU, but also to all the transformative experiences here — including working for Student Media. But then again, you never really say good-bye when a place shapes you like this one has, you just move on.