Reader Reactions | WSU community should embrace biking culture with new bike racks

Readers react to a column calling for students to utilize the 30 new bike racks coming to campus which cost $22,000. Funding for the bike racks came out of fees from parking passes sold by Transportation Services.

MJ Vega: “Yeah, because biking uphill both ways in the rain, snow or scalding heat sounds very appealing.”

Danny Mueller: “If I’m going to be honest, persuading people to bike to campus is going to take a lot more than the installation of a few bike racks. I tried this when I first got here, but I found the complete lack of biking infrastructure around town to be a huge detriment, not the lack of bike parking on campus.”

Alexis Johnson: “Yes, because it’s so much fun to bike uphill everywhere.”

Joel Jones: “More bike racks? … Of all the reasons keeping people from embracing the concept, lack of bike racks is likely the last issue on their minds. Not a well thought out strategy to sell commuting to campus (or anywhere in Pullman).”

Trevor J. Bond: “Please more bike lanes around campus. Riding on campus always feels like the most dangerous part of the commute.”