You can have your voice heard in The Daily Evergreen

Your school newspaper does not discriminate against anyone, political beliefs included

JACKSON FERDERER, Evergreen opinion editor

If you want to read a different perspective in The Daily Evergreen, apply. We’ll hire you.

The Daily Evergreen has received a lot of criticism over the past few years. Honestly, though, that’s the point.

Journalism is supposed to upset people. We don’t do it for the sake of upsetting people, but instead to challenge ideas and people who tend to go unchallenged. The only agenda we have is for uncovering the truth.

We don’t hire people based on political beliefs. We don’t even ask people what they believe during the job interview. All we look for in a reporter or a columnist is that they have a passion for journalism.

At the beginning of the semester, when I first took the job of opinion editor, I wrote a piece saying I wanted to publish diverse perspectives in the opinion section. I asked you to send in letters and write guest columns. I want to hear from our audience just as much as I want to hear from my columnists.

While I continue to receive a letter here and there, what I receive most are angry Facebook comments. That’s not a problem. I want to hear your perspective; that’s why I feature reader reactions so often.

If you think there’s a perspective that The Daily Evergreen is missing, you can help us fix it. You can write comments on Facebook. You can write letters to the editor. You can write guest columns. You can apply.

“[Local news is] where I think you can make a more forceful argument,” said Travis Ridout, a professor of government and public policy.  “Individual news outlets need to be expressing more of that diversity of opinion. Otherwise, you’re not going to find it.”

There are plenty of sources across the country talking about global and national politics. There are only a few who are going to talk about Pullman. Each and every one of us has a unique perspective on local issues, and those perspectives go deeper than just Republican and Democrat.

If you don’t see enough focus on Greek life, apply. If you don’t see enough focus on graduate students, apply. If you don’t see enough focus on conservative viewpoints, apply. If we’re completely skipping over your passion or ideology, apply.

Or at least write a guest column. Based on your angry Facebook comments, you’d be great at it.