LUKE HOLLISTER | The Daily Evergreen
Tyler Parchem, ASWSU vice president-elect, said he and Rogers “did not steal money from students” at an ASWSU hearing March 22 in the CUB.
After a group of students staged a sit-in demanding the impeachment of President-elect Savannah Rogers and Vice President-elect Tyler Parchem, the two announced they would hold two open forums April 10 – 11 to listen to what students want from their administration and to discuss their 100-day plan.
Demonstrators said Rogers and Parchem were not being held accountable for one of their campaign’s supporters printing 200 posters with Residence Life resources.
“The bridge was burned, and students don’t trust us right now,” Parchem said, “and I think the change starts with listening to what they have to say and the solutions they bring to things we have to work on.”
Parchem said he wants to open a dialogue about ASWSU accountability.
He said he does not want students to feel they are talking to a brick wall. His administration is planning to create a hiring committee with executive staff to reach out to student leaders within and outside of ASWSU.
“We hear your distrust in an administration that is responsible for stealing student dollars. We hear you and we are ready to take action for more accountability,” Parchem wrote in a Facebook post addressed to concerned WSU students. “We are ready to fight for more action every day and we are ready to work to earn back your trust.”
Parchem said he hopes to start making changes by having conversations with students about the accountability of the administration by meeting with different groups, holding forums and hosting more town halls.
“It’s going to be a difficult and it’s going to be a long, grueling task,” Parchem said, “but by all means Savannah and I are committed to making as much change in the 12 months that we have.”