Effect of technology on student creativity

Instructors often use web resources as educational tools, effective outreach



Antonio Vargas, a freshman studying mechanical engineering, discusses his thoughts on if the intenet is killing students creativity.

MARA JOHNSON, Evergreen columnist

The internet and other advancements in technology make Apple and Samsung users alike more aware and mindful of their daily intake, especially if they think it hurts their genius.

Since the Digital Revolution in the 1970s, technology use has increased in the average individual’s day-to-day life, ranging from calling through landlines to the surfing the World Wide Web. Our generation is in touch with the internet and its abilities, but is that a good thing?

We’ve grown up with the internet, using it for education and leisure. With this rise of technology and the usage of the internet, students and educators alike pose the question of whether or not these technological advancements help or hurt our creativity.

Antonio Vargas, a freshman studying mechanical engineering at WSU, said the internet has been a huge benefit to his schooling and hobbies. Vargas believes the internet is fostering new levels of creativity for people who have access to it.

“You can go into YouTube and find many tutorials for any skill or hobby you want to learn,” he said. “[At the same time], it’s also killing creativity — we’re living for likes, for shares and virality”.

College is arguably difficult for everyone, but with technology and access to the internet, it no longer has to be. Quizlet, Khan Academy and other educational websites wouldn’t be available for students or teachers to use.

Shelly Richardson, an English instructor at WSU, believes the internet in school has been great for students and teachers alike.

“I haven’t seen creativity diminishing over the years as our uses of technology has increased, the most widely used [form of technology] being the internet,” Richardson said.

With the rise of technology, professors, school districts and universities have all been impacted. Richardson said the internet is just another tool. Teachers have already been using the internet in one way or another to teach students.

For professors teaching over 100 students, being able to use the internet to give lessons and hand out homework has made instructing easier along with saving paper and time, Richardson said.

There is no stopping the continuous advances of technology and the increasing capabilities of the internet. So why not accept the changes and grow with them just like schools have been doing for years?