Senate talks discrimination, pedestrian safety

Rogers addressed freshman fraternity members on assault



ASWSU Senate listens to concerns of Director of Health and Safety Catherine Dunn during the meeting Wednesday.

MADYSEN MCLAIN, Evergreen roots editor

ASWSU members and student government officials discussed topics including Executive Policy 15, emergency messaging and pedestrian safety at Wednesday night’s meeting.

Message from the dean of students

WSU is in search of a new dean of students as Kathy MacKay prepares to step down from the position.

“Candidates for the position want to meet students,” MacKay said. “[WSU students] are the selling point to bring in good people.”

MacKay also discussed how two subgroups have been look­ing at ways to update Executive Policy 15, WSU’s sexual harass­ment and discrimination policy.

One group is focusing on how to split EP 15 to make it more effective. The other is looking at FAQs and case studies, she said.

“The task is to look at mak­ing EP 15 more reasonable and understandable for students,” MacKay said. “It’s a really com­plicated policy.”

Sexual assault

ASWSU President Savannah Rogers told the Senate she pre­sented to the freshmen mem­bers of two different fraternities about consent and preventing sexual assault.

Both presentations were pro­posed by the fraternities them­selves, Rogers said, and she hopes to speak to more freshmen members in the future.

“The fraternities were kind, respectful and receptive to my message,” she said.

Catherine Dunn, director of the Department of Health and Safety, said she is hoping to bring a new educational program with a heavy focus on consent to WSU in the spring.

The program would be open to all students and programming credit may be given for attend­ing, Dunn said, and WSU plans to partner with the University of Idaho due to the expensive nature of the program.

Emergency alerts

Rogers also discussed work on the university alert system.

She and Phil Weiler, vice president for marketing and communications, have been working together to improve communication with students during emergencies and weather incidents, she said.

Currently, WSU has an opt-in program for students to receive emergency notices via texts and emails. They are looking at how WSU can make receiving these messages mandatory or make an opt-out program.

Rogers also proposed a green, yellow and red system to indi­cate if classes will continue dur­ing harsh weather. The messag­es would then be transmitted through Blackboard and social media sites.

Pedestrian safety

Keegan Otter, director of community affairs, presented two projects that will aim to pro­tect drivers from colliding with pedestrians on Greek Row.

Otter said he is working on getting a four-way stop on Colorado Street and NE B Street for preventive measures.  There are also plans to put a crosswalk accompanied with a light-up sign by the Kappa Delta sorority.

“We are hoping this will encourage people to stay on the path instead of cutting across,” he said.


Brandon Crawford was con­firmed as the director of commu­nication, and Jessica Kadinger is the new chief justice.

“I’m looking to complete my [Judicial Board],” Kadinger said. “It’s been awhile since we have had a full board.”

There are 10 open positions on the Election Board. Emma Elkins, a sophomore at WSU, was confirmed to fill one of them Wednesday night.

A previous version of this article stated there will be a four-way stop on Colorado Street and NE B Street. The article has been updated to reflect that the project is waiting approval.