ASWSU Senate looks to improve Title IX policy

Discussion included also altering UCORE classes, India Night



Senator John Sullivan, from left, Senator Hannah Martian and Senator Lindsay Schilperoort listen to a fundraising request for India Night on Wednesday in the CUB.

MADYSEN MCLAIN, Evergreen roots editor

At the ASWSU Senate meeting Wednesday night, student senators discussed changes to the UCORE class requirements, passed a new resolution that makes Title IX training mandatory among highly-ranked athletic staff and approved spending on the Indian Students’ Association’s India Night.


Resolution to require Title IX training


Due to three potential Title IX violations across campus and a resolution agreement between WSU and the Office for Civil Rights, two ASWSU senators wrote a new resolution to address issues with Title IX policy at WSU.

The resolution calls for transparency in Title IX investigations and reform. It also requires the director of athletics, senior athletics staff and President Kirk Schulz to complete refresher training on Title IX.

“More than anything this is a call to action,” said Chase Urquhart, co-author of the resolution. “We want WSU to be transparent.”

Title IX training is not mandatory for WSU staff to attend, only staff at the Office for Equal Opportunity and coordinators for Title IX, said Jacob Lizarraga, ASWSU senator and co-author of the resolution.

The resolution also requires the WSU administration to develop an updated plan of action in the event of a Title IX violation.

It will be distributed to WSU officials and will go into effect this week.

“I felt like we needed to take a stand and we are looking for the OEO to state their opinion on Title IX,” Lizarraga said.


Reevaluating classes


WSU officials are working with an ASWSU committee to reevaluate UCORE classes, said Director of University Affairs Bailey Fillinger.

“We are hoping this will make for more effective classes for WSU students,” she said.

The committee will examine student and teacher performance in classes such as math, art, chemistry and business that are required for UCORE.

The goal of the reevaluation is to have support ready for students before they feel the need to drop a class, Fillinger said.

In the case that a student does drop a class, WSU officials, with input from ASWSU senators, are developing late-start classes where students can still get credit for a class after the traditional deadline passes.

Fillinger also spoke about shifting the current mentoring program from being work in classrooms to meeting in residence halls to reach more students.


India Night Approved


ASWSU senators approved the Indian Students’ Association to spend up to $3,000 for the 17th annual India Night.

The event will be held at 6 p.m. Nov. 3 in the Gladish Community and Cultural Center. The ticket cost is $12 for students and $15 for non-students. It will feature traditional dance, food, a henna table, an open dance floor and a photo booth.

Correction: This story was changed to accurately reflect that ASWSU senators are providing input on UCORE classes for WSU officials working on changing policy for the program.