Malvin Harrison, APASC Chair (left) and Harald Hyllseth, ASPASC Vice-Chair plead with their ASWSU representatives to vote no on a incoming piece of legislation Wednesday night at the CUB.
ASWSU senators postponed passing a bill that would affect election codes and approved funding for the Kids’ Science and Engineering Day at Wednesday night’s meeting.
Bill to change election codes
ASWSU Honors Senator Hayden Arend said the bill he authored was aimed at rewriting contradictory election codes and fixing issues to ensure the codes are as logical as possible.
Arend said he spent the fall semester meeting with people to write bylaws presented in the bill.
Harald Hyllseth, Asian Pacific American Student Coalition vice-chair, gave his testimony on behalf of the coalition at the meeting about the bill.
“I’d like to express the disappointment in this piece of legislation,” said Hyllseth, “a piece of legislation like this having been worked on substantially over time without reaching out to the communities it will impact the most.”
Hyllseth questioned the senate as to why the bill was not discussed at Committee Squared, an organization serving as a way for all ASWSU committees to communicate with each other.
Arend said he reached out to people and committees outside of the committee squared meeting.
“Anyone that talked to me, I asked,” Arend said
The bill only mentions the committees once and is more focused on the election codes, Arend said.
The ASWSU Senate ruled to send the bill back to the author.
Kids’ Science and Engineering Day
The Society of Women Engineers Vice President Samantha Grindrod said they will be hosting the tenth annual Kids’ Science and Engineering Day event in the Palouse.
She said the carnival-style event is for children and will be led by WSU students in a STEM environment with hands-on activities.
17 undergraduate clubs have already confirmed their involvement in the event, Grindrod said.
She said the funding will cover food, registration, marketing, operations set up and Butch.
“He will be there for all the undergraduate students to take pictures with,” Grindrod said.
The ASWSU Senate approved $2,500 to fund the event.