The ASWSU meeting scheduled for March 6 was canceled due to not having a quorum.
There has to be at least two-thirds of its seated membership present to take binding action on scheduled items on the agenda.
Lindsay Schilperoort, ASWSU Senate pro tempore said 12 senators out of 19 were available to meet. Thirteen senators needed to be present to hold a meeting.
The majority of absences were from senators attending exam reviews and some were feeling under the weather, Schilperoort said.
“As pro tempore, I’ve sort of made it my policy that you can be excused for an academic reason, like an exam or an exam review,” she said.
Schilperoort said academics should come first.
She said there were not any time-pressing matters on the agenda.
The Senate will discuss the items on the agenda on March 20, she said. They were scheduled to confirm two senators to the Arts and Sciences seat.
“This is just the first time this has happened that I can remember in at least three years,” Schilperoort said.