Cure writer’s block with workshop, tricks
Attend writing event to learn useful tips; getting started is the most difficult part
Writer’s block can make it hard to even begin an essay, but brainstorming about your assignment can help. Learn other tips to improve your writing process at the GPSA workshop Monday.
March 20, 2019
For students struggling with writer’s block, the WSU Graduate and Professional Students Association will be hosting a free writing workshop from 1-3 p.m. on March 25 in Terrell Library, Room 20E.
This is only one workshop of many put on by GPSA. It will deal specifically with the writing process and how to overcome writer’s block.
For those planning to attend, workshop organizers recommend bringing your own laptop, since the computer lab where the workshop will only have 40 available computers.
Now that spring break has ended and the homework floodgates have once again opened, this workshop is useful to every college student, regardless of age or year.
Those who attend are encouraged to bring their own project they are struggling with, so for those students — or professors — out there who struggle to find the right words but can’t, this workshop may be the “get out of jail free” card you’ve been waiting for.
For those wondering whether what they are dealing with is writer’s block, don’t worry. Writer’s block can be different for everyone.
Yissel Zazueta, a junior double-majoring in human development and Spanish, said when she does have a paper for one of her classes, the hardest part is starting.
“Once I do get my main point started, I can go on for hours, but I think with every paper, that’s what I struggle with,” Zazueta said.
Zazueta noted that one strategy she uses to deal with her writer’s block is to write down everything she knows about the assignment.
Another way to deal with writer’s block may actually be to look at another person’s creative work. In a 2010 study done by the Institute of Psychology, it was found that the participants who were exposed to other people’s ideas had their own creativity noticeably improve. Of course, be careful not to plagiarize.
At this workshop, attendees will be able to pick up tips similar to those mentioned in this article and learn how to apply them to their work. At the fantastic cost of nothing, this workshop is a great opportunity to take your writing to the next level.