Dad’s Weekend is here and the WSU physics department put together a selection of six different planetarium shows from Friday evening to Saturday afternoon, costing $5 apiece for viewers.
Associate physics professor Guy Worthey said there will be three shows on Friday evening and three shows midday Saturday in Sloan Hall, Room 231. Each show will be around 30 minutes long and will play full-dome videos and astronomical journeys.
”I don’t think we’ve ever done anything quite like this before. It’s something we didn’t have the technology for a few months ago, so we’re pleased to present our newest tech to you, which is the ability to show movies like this,” he said.
According to the WSU Planetarium Facebook page the first showing is at 6 p.m. called “X-rays Ahead: The Hot and Energetic Universe.” The second one is at 7 p.m., named “Two Small Pieces of Glass,” which explains telescopes and telescope discovery. The day’s final showing is at 8 p.m., called “Seeing,” which explains how sight works.
The first showing on Saturday is at 11 a.m. called “Out There” and it explores what is in the universe and how we know. The second showing is at noon called “Phantom of the Universe” which explains the search for dark matter. The final showing is at 1 p.m called “Sunstruck!” and it explores our sun.
There are a few that fall short of 30 minutes and there will be a bonus “full-dome music video” that will play music from the symphony of science, he said.
Worthey said the planetarium is arranged like a round theatre with well-padded benches that lean back to give viewers the premium view of the dome.
“If you’re really tired you will fall asleep, but if you’re not you will really enjoy the full dome show. So, you’ll be looking all over the place, I guess it’s probably not enjoyable if you’re in a neck brace,” Worthey said.