Coming Together: Christenson, Strachila win ASWSU election


ASWSU presidential election winners Kyle Strachila and Taylor Christenson celebrate after receiving news of their victory.

From staff reports

Taylor Christenson won the ASWSU presidential election Thursday night with running mate Kyle Strachila. Christenson said the results of the election were a surprise and she felt the other candidates were equally good choices.

“The tickets that were running, they were strong and it was a great competition,” Christenson said.

Strachila, ASWSU vice president-elect, said the process was difficult but rewarding.

“I don’t think there’s ever been a more stressful but fulfilling week,” Strachila said.

Candidate Victoria-Pearl Young said losing the election will not deter her and running mate Sam Horowitz from working for the students on campus.

“We’ve been working with the administration prior to this and we’re going to keep working with them and everything we had on the plan is going to get done,” Young said.

Zak Cherif was not present when the results were announced but he thanked everyone for their support.

The $4 Student Media fee did not pass, with 32 percent of students voting in favor of the referendum and 68 percent voting against.

Reporting by Dennis Farrell, Nicholas Harris, and Forrest Holt