GPSA Research Exposition
Poster session and scholarship competition for WSU Pullman graduate and professional students
What is the GPSA Research Exposition?
The Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) Research Exposition is a poster session and scholarship competition. It allows you to present your original research, scholarship, and/or creative work to the University community while vying for scholarships.
GPSA Research Exposition is held on the Pullman campus. For time and location, see the event schedule.
GPSA Research Exposition welcomes participation of graduate/professional students of all disciplines who meet the following criteria:
- Enrolled at WSU Pullman as a fee-paying graduate or professional student
- Have completed all work at or for WSU (not in an external student internship)
- Have not presented the same project at a previous WSU Academic Showcase or GPSA Research Exposition.
- Original research, scholarship, or creative activity meets all eligibility requirements outlined in the abstract requirements.
You may present only one abstract as a primary or presenting author.
GPSA Research Exposition vs. Academic Showcase
If you are a WSU graduate or professional student, you are eligible to submit an abstract and presentation to Academic Showcase. However, if you are enrolled on the Pullman campus, you may prefer to share your work in the GPSA Research Exposition in order to compete for scholarships. To be considered for GPSA Research Exposition, submit your abstract directly to GPSA by the deadline.
If you apply and are not chosen to participate in GPSA Research Exposition, you will automatically be entered in Academic Showcase, provided that you adhere to the guidelines and submit your presentation by the deadline.
Visit the GPSA website for more information.
Undergraduate students
Visit Showcase for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (SURCA).
How to apply
- Review the abstract requirements.
- Submit an abstract of your work for committee review.
- Watch for email notification of acceptance by mid-February.
- If you are accepted, create a poster that presents your work.