Communication opens many paths

ZARA CRUDEN, Evergreen reporter

Communication is a versatile degree. The Murrow College offers strategic communication, journalism and media production and communication and society.

Each avenue offers unique benefits. Program Coordinator Stephannie Ankrah said strategic communication offers real-world examples and application, while journalism and media production is a creative outlet that allows students to display society in a way that is to the “Murrow Standard.” Communication and society, she said, allows students to explore an interest in science and environmental issues from a communication perspective.

“There are so many different options,” Ankrah said. “To allow students to have even more options, we have given them the opportunity to double-major between our different degrees, which is awesome.”

The communication degree is very open, she said, and students have many available paths.

“We allow students to get as much experience and explore different facets of communication as much as possible during their time here,” Ankrah said.