As the first week of classes came to a close, crime on College Hill ramped up.
Syllabus week, or “Sylly Week,” is often a time of increased crime and a higher volume of calls to local emergency services. These calls tend to be centralized in College Hill and Greek Row as students celebrate their return to campus and the start of a new semester.
The most common calls received from College Hill are those reporting noise complaints. During the week of Jan. 5, officers responded to 11 cases of noise complaints.
There were also a large number of various alcohol-related offenses throughout week, including four welfare checks. In addition to welfare checks, three individuals were arrested for minor in possession, one of which was also charged for public urination.
The specific charges vary, though there were three cases involving instances of sexual assault. The Pullman Police Department logs when these cases are reported, as well as when Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) kits are picked up from medical centers by officers.
The Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity house was the location of multiple calls, spanning from late Friday night into early Saturday morning. One of these calls was a wellness check, included in the numbers above, in which the reporting party told dispatchers an individual was conscious and breathing, but responding abnormally to questions.
Multiple units, including police, fire and emergency medical services responded to a call at TKE about an individual who had fallen off the roof. The condition of the individual was not included in the report.
Pullman police also responded to several calls throughout the week to help animals in the area. These calls included a raccoon removed from a trap, a cat rescued from a chimney and a dog brought to the shelter after an officer responded to the report of a found dog, according to the report.
While celebrating the new semester is exciting, it is also important to stay safe, vigilant and aware. As always, Cougs help Cougs.
All information in this article is sourced from Pullman Police Department Daily Activity Logs and Washington State University Police Daily Crime/Fire Log.