Student rights, conduct process updated
Academic affairs director says standards help students, WSU learn
Candace Quinn, ASWSU director of academic affairs, goes over standards and resources available to students Wednesday afternoon in the CUB.
January 31, 2019
An informational session outlined WSU students’ rights and responsibilities during a community standards process Wednesday.
Candace Quinn, ASWSU director of academic affairs, said the community standards process helps students hold themselves accountable for actions that may conflict with WSU’s community standards.
Quinn said faculty, staff, students and community members can submit information to the Center for Community Standards. Most received submissions concerned residence life.
She said students are assumed to not be responsible at first and don’t have to self-incriminate as part of their rights. They have access to their file and incident reports, as well as the option to share videos and images if needed.
“This is an opportunity for you to share your story if you would like to,” Quinn said.
Students also have public resources such as an online handbook, she said. Students can request a language interpreter through a conduct officer, as well as any disability or medical accommodations if needed.
Quinn said there will also be a trained adviser available. The adviser can come in the form of a friend, roommate, WSU staff member or parent who will provide emotional support.
She said there are two types of hearings that could occur during the student conduct process. One type of hearing includes a Residential Education Director (RED) or a Center for Community Standards member. This hearing would not lead to suspension or expulsion.
The second hearing, on the other hand, consists of a formal conduct board hearing with trained faculty and staff members. The outcome of this hearing could lead to a possible suspension or expulsion.
She said to have a fair and equitable process, students can have private conduct meetings and request certain members to be removed if there is a conflict of interest present.
Quinn said students will receive an email that will provide the date, time and location of the hearing. It will also have a summary of the reported incident and identify the conduct officer assigned.
If a student does not attend the hearing, a decision would still be made and the student will be informed with the decision, she said.
Quinn said possible outcomes of the conduct process include a dismissal, continued investigation or sanctions. Sanctions can range from educational assignments to community service requirements.
Students have an option to appeal but must submit before 21 days from the date of the decision, she said. The appeals board consists of three members, which are usually students.