Vote for ASWSU, change campus for the better

Too many students are apathetic toward ASWSU elections, more should get involved to evoke change

BRUCE MULMAT, Former Evergreen opinion editor

“I honestly have no idea who is running for ASWSU and I don’t even care,” said Branden Currie, a junior majoring in construction management.

Currie is not the only one who has expressed apathy to the upcoming ASWSU elections. It is a common theme on campus, but students should realize these elections can affect WSU for the better. Students must participate in this democratic process because it’s one that most directly affects us.

Even those who try to stay updated on WSU campus news tend to believe that the only activities ASWSU members do is campaign, complain about the school or use it to pad out their resumes.

Despite what students may think, the ASWSU staff continuously works to change the way campus operates. One senator is working on a proposal to change the way the admissions process handles those who were convicted of a felony by giving these applicants a chance to better themselves through education.

It may not seem important, but these elections are the easiest way to see the change you want to happen. You can elect fellow students concerned with the same issues you are who want to give solving these problems a shot. If the proposed changes don’t happen, it is easier to contact ASWSU and have a conversation about it than it would be to contact state representatives or other elected positions, giving university students more control over the process.

We have a civic responsibility to vote. If we don’t, we will face the consequences of inaction. ASWSU has a direct impact on life here at WSU.

People who do not vote in these elections are actively signing away their ability to change campus for the better. This is the equivalent of not taking notes in a class because you don’t understand how they will help you in the real world.

There are reasons why students feel that voting in ASWSU elections doesn’t matter and that ASWSU could do more to have students understand what is going on. Yet this makes voting even more important.

Especially during this ASWSU presidential campaign, your vote matters. If elected, members from both campaigns would bring new perspectives to their respective offices.

We should care about what happens around us on campus, and voting in ASWSU elections is an easy step to make sure that WSU will continue to improve for generations to come. Voter apathy is a common problem around the U.S., and we can help combat this issue by getting involved, if only on campus.

Students are able to get more involved with this process, so it is imperative that voting in these elections becomes the norm. ASWSU is doing the hard work by acting to change the campus, the least we can do is vote for the people we believe will make the best changes.

Do yourself and the campus a favor, go vote for your ASWSU representatives.