Cougs eat out, Restaurant Week serves students

Wallets won’t take a hit this week when Pullman Restaurant Week’s 16 restaurants will serve food at student-friendly prices.

From Feb. 3-11, restaurants will offer multiple courses at fixed prices. ASWSU and the Pullman Chamber of Commerce collaborated with community businesses to bring students multiple-course meal menus with fixed prices at $12 and $20. Participating restaurants vary in cuisine, and their menus are posted on the ASWSU Facebook page for those interested.

ASWSU Sen. Crystal Swanson said last year’s director of community outreach heard about similar events in bigger cities and wanted to try it here. Cities like Spokane and even New York have similar events in order to give local restaurants exposure, she said. WSU’s relationship with the Pullman community made it easy to organize the event, she said.

Taylor Winslow, associate director of communications for ASWSU, said this is the second annual restaurant week and a great way for community businesses to get exposure and feedback from students.

“It’s kind of a win-win for everybody,” she said.

Students can fill out comment cards for the various participating restaurants, and in addition to the restaurants getting feedback, students are also entered into a prize drawing, Winslow said. The drawing includes gift cards from each restaurant participating in the event, she said. Last year, one person won $100 to The Coug, she said.

“I won last year,” Winslow said. “I won a growler from Paradise Creek Brewery.”

The event also gives students a chance to try out restaurants they wouldn’t have before, she said. It’s an excellent chance for students to get off campus and be a part of the local community and get great food at a decent price, she said. She had never thought to try out the Hilltop Inn, for instance, but she ate there last year for Pullman Restaurant Week.

“And now I’d recommend it to everyone because of restaurant week,” she said.

LaKecia Farmer, who is involved in the project through ASWSU, said they recently had a meeting with the Pac-12 schools and none of them are as connected with their communities as WSU is with Pullman. She said WSU and the Pullman community have a great relationship when it comes to communicating and coordinating beneficial events for everyone.

“Restaurant week is just one of the many events that we put on with the city that’s really unique,” she said.