Reader reactions: Pullman Fire department investigates microwave fires

Readers react to an article about Pullman Fire and WSU Housing investigating defective microwaves in residence halls. There were two microwave fires reported in the past month. Investigators believe appliance age or defective models could be factors.

Read full article here.

Maren Mossman: “My sophomore year, someone caught their dorm microwave on fire when they were trying to dry their wet socks after their dryer didn’t quite work. Seriously.”

Kurt Semler: “And that’s why you treat your microwave just like any other cooking appliance. Do not walk away from your microwave. You wouldn’t walk away from a hot stove, would you?”

Melissa Soria: “My freshman year, some girl decided to microwave her tea. She put the whole tea bag into a Styrofoam cup without water. It was a bad time, and I’m pretty sure the microwave melted inside.”

Michael Harris: “First, microwaving a Pop-Tart. Second, microwaving said Pop-Tart until it bursts into flames. The word “pop” should have been a dead give-a-way that there is a better Pop-Tart cooking device.”