Legislators need to handle budget with better bureaucracy

Departments in need of funding are at a loss, faulty governmental processes are to blame


The procedures keeping our government running are important to keeping it clear of abuse to those procedures as well, more bureaucracy resulting in less abuse.

AMAR JOSHI, Evergreen columnist

This nation is tired of waiting for federal lawmakers to figure out their issues after three weeks of collective anger and frustration. Government shutdowns are too common in today’s divisive political climate and it’s disappointing to see the country test its limits on this shutdown siege.

Our government’s bureaucracy should protect its agencies from party politics and keep funding steady for all departments, neglecting none. Police and other agencies are somewhat insulated from the most major fluctuations in funding because of their critical roles, but other departments deemed less important face the worst of these changes.

The real issue comes with short-term funding and the federal government deprioritizing select departments. These agencies include the Departments of the Interior, Agriculture and Urban Development, whose strange budgets and bad timelines have had nothing but ill-effect.

The Department of the Interior, which handles our country’s national parks, has been forced to reduce the amount of people on staff. Parks are filling with trash, search-and-rescue operations are understaffed and rangers aren’t around to keep the public safe.

In one extreme case a man fell off a cliff in Yosemite. He fell chasing his dog which wouldn’t have been allowed on the trail if rangers were on staff.

Despite the endangerment of visitors, the parks are as popular as ever, with the national parks service losing an estimated $400,000 per day in entrance fee revenue, according to the National Parks Conservation Association.

“When Obamacare was being worked on, it affected everyone but legislature,” said Cmdr. Chris Tennant of the Pullman Police Department. “These budgets should affect those that work on them.”

Lawmakers have struggled to pass an actual federal budget along with a comprehensive timeline for too long from a bureaucratic perspective. Many agencies receive too little funding, with legislators going unaffected.

“I would like to see a law that says, ‘Hey you have to actually pass a budget and have an actual timeline,’ ” said Tennant.

Our government chooses to put Band-Aid solutions on a problem that has its roots in the most basic parts of the human brain. Conflict is natural to the human condition, so it’s only logical to account for it. They should understand people will rarely work together when politics, ambition and money are involved. That’s why we need a better system in place to prevent such warped changes to the process.

Lawmakers need to put standards in place to keep themselves in check. These lawmakers need to focus on all of their agencies and help them by giving each department a stable budget each year.

With simple supports like that, the flaming egos and Machiavellians of the government won’t be able to put the rest of the government in a stand still.

A country with a bureaucracy as convoluted and aging as this one is due for a face-lift. It’s about time systems were put in place that keep the money flowing even during these political stalemates.