Wandering cat gains local popularity

Poe the Cat is a local feline who enjoys exploring Greek Row and is decribed as outgoing, friendly and cuddly by his owner, Demi Burns.

From staff reports

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From roaming our neighborhoods to finding their way into our hearts, cats gain popularity for simply acting like themselves.

Poe, a Siamese-like domestic shorthair, began wandering around Greek Row in September, drawing the attention of students in the area. Since then, fans of Poe have started a Facebook page in his honor, where they share their photos of Poe sightings and interactions with him.

“I think it’s hilarious,” Poe’s owner Demi Burns said. “Honestly, he’s a cool cat, so I don’t mind sharing him with others.”

Burns got Poe in July of 2015 from her aunt when Poe was just a kitten. Burns initially joked that Poe was her “campus cat” and found it ironic that he grew famous for becoming the unofficial cat on campus.

“It was so random,” Burns said. “My co-workers knew about him, then more people spotted him and his fame just grew.”

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Poe is a very friendly, outgoing cat, Burns said. He loves people as well as other cats, and even gets along with Burns’ dogs. He has a really loving, cuddly personality, she said. Poe also has a distinct bend in his tail, a genetic trait shared by him and his littermates, and his birthday is July 4th.

Burns said she always had outdoor cats growing up, so she doesn’t usually worry about Poe staying out. Cats do what they want, but they always find a way to get home, Burns said. Poe usually stays out anywhere from a few hours to three days at the most, she said.

Pictures of Poe can be shared on the Facebook page “WSU The Adventures of Poe.”

Reporting by Nina Willis