Reader reactions: ‘College Republicans to build wall today’

Readers react to an article about the Trump Wall demonstration hosted by the WSU College Republicans on Wednesday. James Allsup, College Republicans president, said he hopes the demonstration generates productive conversations about illegal immigration. WSU President Kirk Schulz released a statement that the university values diversity on campus and that WSU is proud to offer life-changing experiences to undocumented students. Sydney Johnson, ASWSU representative for MEChA, said there will be students wearing green and orange hearts to escort students to a safe house if needed.

Read the full article here

Tyler Mayfield: “College kids need to be escorted to a “safe house” because their feelings get hurt? They are going to have a real hard time in the real world when they graduate.”

Dusty Olson: “Brave men up there fighting for what is right. #Trump2016”

Jennifer Rae Hartman: “I know it’s supposed to be included under freedom of speech, but (the wall is) really just hostile and I think it has no place on campus, especially the Glenn Terrell Friendship mall.”

Ben Duarte: “It’s funny that Trump thinks a wall is going to stop illegal immigration. I know many illegal immigrants back home who are good people, don’t do wrong by this country and are harder workers than 90 percent of the population of the USA. Where there is a will there is a way, a wall won’t do s— against that.”

Mark A. Wasemiller: “I’m sorry President Schulz and other administrators, but my opinion of you just took a major hit. The term is ‘illegal’ as in they came here illegally. Legal Immigration is not the problem, illegal immigration is and is one of the major reasons this country is going downhill. Your politically-correct statement only serves to approve of and further encourage illegal activities.”

Clara Oliver: “… This wasn’t just about the wall. … It’s about every nasty, crude, racist, sexist, disgusting thing Donald Trump has put forward. This wall of theirs wasn’t just a stand against illegal immigration, it was a stand for Trump; an man who is singularly unqualified to hold even the lowest public office, who has run dozens of businesses into the ground, cheats contractors and uses loopholes to avoid paying any taxes. This is the man who bragged about sexually assaulting women and ogling naked teenages… When you support Trump you support all of that as well. You support racism, victim blaming, and sexism. …”

Bree Lee: Two-thirds of the land on the border is owned by private citizens or by states. In order to build the wall, the federal government would have to seize thousands of acres of private land. Constructing this wall would also require easements on private property for heavy duty, large-scale construction equipment on citizens’ land. It’s one of the least conservative small-government proposals around. But whatever.”

Editor’s note: The comments used in reader reactions are selected from public responses to stories on The Daily Evergreen’s Facebook page. The names listed with the comments are those provided as the individual’s identity on Facebook.