Reader reactions: ‘Letter to the editor: Conservatives won’t be silent’

Readers react to a letter to the editor from Pullman resident Andrew Luedeke, in which he states that conservative free speech is being targeted on campus and across the US. Luedeke says a number of students plan on intervening with the WSU College Republicans’ Trump wall demonstration in front of Todd Hall on Wednesday. Luedeke argues that free speech should be respected for all students, not just those with liberal views.

Read the full letter here.

Marilyn Washabaugh: “True, so often conservative views are shut down on college campuses. … I haven’t been a student for a while, but it was bad when I was there. I had professors literally stop any discussion that was not a liberal view. I can only imagine it’s much worse now. … College is about learning and discussing different viewpoints and methods. To shut down discussion and only have an echo chamber is not conducive to learning and growing.”

Luke Holbert: “Good, no one is stopping you from speaking your mind. Just because people are counter-protesting your protest doesn’t mean they are infringing on your right to free speech, it just means they are using theirs as well.”

Nick McKinney: “Freedom of speech doesn’t mean I have to listen to the things you say. You’re free to build an offensive wall on campus and vote for someone with no political experience, but just because no one is listening to the things you’re saying or responding negatively doesn’t mean your rights are being infringed upon. And conservatives, especially young ones, can be just as obnoxiously close-minded to opposing viewpoints. Surprise surprise, these issues go both ways.”

Elizabeth Bernhardt: “… The counter protest in which I plan to participate is not there to silence any students. We will be there to acknowledge and appreciate civil discourse while politely saying that there are better, more conducive and culturally sensitive ways to discuss immigration reform. We see the wall as an artificial and hurtful barrier. We want to stand by our international students and say we support them, we welcome them, and we want them to be here. While the College Republicans certainly do not mean to make international students feel unwelcome, their acts are being interpreted that way. … Let’s hope each group can recognize that all opinions are valid, even if one doesn’t agree with said opinion. …”

Editor’s note: The comments used in reader reactions are selected from public responses to stories on The Daily Evergreen’s Facebook page. The names listed with the comments are those provided as the individual’s identity on Facebook.