Letter from the editor: Changes on the horizon

I am pleased to announce that I will be editor-in-chief for The Daily Evergreen for the fall of 2016.

I joined The Daily Evergreen during September 2014, as a freshman at WSU. I started writing for the Life Section, and gaining experience as a journalist at the paper made me decide to change my major from history to communication.

My second semester I became an editor, and it was the best decision I’ve made in college. I have had the opportunity to grow as a writer, student and person at the paper, and I have met some wonderful people.

The saying about some people having greatness thrust upon them has never made more sense to me. I was not expecting to become editor-in-chief, I was happy as a writer and smaller-scale editor. However, the opportunity for me to have this position arose, and I decided it was the perfect challenge for me.

In this challenge, I will take the opportunity to pursue the tough stories, and use my experience at The Daily Evergreen to train my fantastic new editors to become my successors. I have many plans and projects for the semester. Here is a handful:

First, there have been a few small changes to The Daily Evergreen’s design, with the addition of video and online content tags, improved columnist photos and a new flag.

Second, we are revamping how we do Sports and Life previews and recaps, to avoid repetitive stories and provide the most information to the reader in the easiest way. This will include more calendar-type content for the Life Section and more grouped recaps and easy access statistics in Sports.

The Life Section will also see the addition of a weekly cartoon, featured photos and possibly a creative writing installment.

There will be special election coverage in the News and Opinion sections, covering the elections from the local all the way up to the national level. We will look at what the College Republicans and Young Democrats are up to on campus during the election season, and what type of response the candidates receive from students.

Throughout the semester, the paper will look at Pullman and WSU through a historical lens, partnering with the libraries’ Manuscript, Archives and Special Collections to receive photos and intel on historic sites on campus and the background of certain student groups.

On the social media side of journalism, we are looking to employ Facebook Live throughout the semester, to provide viewers with a look into different stories.

The Daily Evergreen presents a great opportunity to students who are looking to pursue a communication degree, as they can gain experience on the writing side as well as the advertising and marketing side. In order to maximize the quality of education employees receive at the paper, we are providing more involved trainings and workshops to cover new material and enhance the student’s skills.

Everyone gets involved with something when they come to college, whether it’s an intermural sports team, a study group or a Greek chapter. The Daily Evergreen has been a great way to me to grow and expand, and I hope it can be the same positive experience for anyone who wants to get involved.