Welcome to campus from President Schulz

Welcome to the 2016-17 school year, I am looking forward to a great first year as WSU president – and want this school year to be the best one for each and every one of you.

Noel and I arrived in Pullman on June 1, along with Cayenne (Welsh Corgi), two cats (Amber and Onyx), and a pick-up truck. Over the past few months we have enjoyed dining out in the Pullman-Moscow area and participating in some of the fun outdoor activities in the Palouse.

What advice would I offer as we start the semester? There are 5 things I would suggest to help ensure you have a great year:

First – go to class. It is important that you attend class on a regular basis – not just when assignments are due or you have tests.

Second – ask your instructor for help. We have exceptional faculty at WSU who want to help you learn. If you don’t understand something, please ask them for help.

Third – be involved on campus. In order for you to have the most fulfilling WSU experience, be involved in one of the more than 300 student organizations.

Fourth – all things in moderation. If you elect to drink alcohol while here at WSU, learn to be responsible and stop before becoming intoxicated.

Fifth – cheer on the Cougs. We have 15 different varsity teams who all need your support. Put on some crimson and cheer our WSU student-athletes to victory.

I hope you all have a great year. Please feel free to reach out to me at any time during the school year via email at [email protected] or on Twitter @wsu_cougar_pres if I can be of assistance. If you see me walking around campus, shopping at Walmart, or eating out – please come over and introduce yourself. Have a great year.

Go Cougs!