Reader reactions: ‘WSU water usage up 26.3M gallons from 2014’

Readers react to WSU’s increase in water usage despite efforts to decrease it. According to its Water Use Efficiency Annual Performance Report, WSU used just under 500 million gallons of water in the 2015 calendar year, up from about 473 million in 2014. WSU added four major facilities over the past year.

Read the full article here

Jared Sharp: “What is the usage per building though? It is to be expected that overall usage increases as you build new buildings, so measuring overall usage isn’t going to be useful. But if you measure usage per building, you can see whether or not your efforts are working to conserve as much water as possible.”

Liv Molinari: “Here’s an idea. Give your students a life sized water treatment facility and have them treating their own water usage. Classroom training, real world job experience, and a way to reduce the water they’re using. Everyone wins.”

Jared Chastain: “18 hole golf course. A new dorm every year, increasing incoming class. What did you expect?”

Editor’s note: The comments used in reader reactions are selected from public responses to stories on The Daily Evergreen’s Facebook page. The names listed with the comments are those provided as the individual’s identity on Facebook.