Reader reactions: ‘Wind energy an untapped resource on the Palouse’

Readers react to the use of wind power along the Palouse. Built in 2012 and located between Steptoe and Rosalia, Palouse Wind is the region’s first wind farm and generates enough energy to almost meet the needs of a city the size of Pullman.

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Heidi Evans: “How awesome that so much power is generated from that wind farm. It is just as equally sad that more will likely not be built because of politics, like usual.”

Michelle Schmidt: “Does it affect the bird population and weather patterns like they do here in Wyoming? Pretty sure those are significant environmental impacts.”

Fred Henderson: “I worked on that project during construction and the first couple years of operations. It was a fun one. I’ve since moved on to fuel cells but Palouse Wind will always be a special one to me. Glad to see Shawn’s still keeping them spinning.”

Editor’s note: The comments used in reader reactions are selected from public responses to stories on The Daily Evergreen’s Facebook page. The names listed with the comments are those provided as the individual’s identity on Facebook.