Local yoga studio offers full body benefits

GABRIELLA RAMOS, Evergreen mint editor

When looking for a local getaway, Sanctuary can be just down the road. Sanctuary Yoga, Barre & Dance offers a supportive environment for flexible locals. The studio offers an inclusive and drama-free space for those who practice yoga and those who do not.

According to founder of Sanctuary, Judy Kolde, yoga does an array of amazing things for the body. Sanctuary offers a variety of classes and styles, from hot yoga to dance lessons. With the help of mindfulness and breathing exercises, yoga is utilized to calm the mind and body.

“Yoga is really my sanctuary in terms of trying to keep my body well,” Kolde said.

As a form of moving meditation, the physical yoga poses are intended to prepare the mind for meditation. Front desk manager and instructor, Destiny Sternod, has been practicing yoga for more than a decade as a way to calm her ADHD and anxiety.

“I do best when I am constantly moving, because I have ADHD, so fast moving yoga calms me down,” Sternod said.

Practicing yoga can have a variety of physical and mental benefits. The hot room at Sanctuary maintains a temperature of 105 to 110 degrees at all times. The heat can be therapeutic for people with certain conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis or depressive disorders.

“True hot yoga will make you understand the value of hydration; I found myself drinking a lot more water and ultimately, more hydration means less hunger,” Kolde said.

Physically, yoga is one of the only forms of physical activity that will reduce appetite, due to the squeezing and compression of many poses. Increasing flexibility can also help to prevent and heal injuries.

For students, yoga can be beneficial in keeping a focused mind during pressing times such as mid-terms and finals week. Meditative practices can also help to increase concentration and improve memory.

“Your mind is more acute if it’s been able to rest and meditate, so you can actually focus more,” Kolde said.

Many people will be turned off by the temperatures of the hot room or the idea of stretching their bodies out of their comfort zones, but the staff at Sanctuary reinforces a nurturing and helpful values.

“It’s hard being away from home sometimes, so we just want to offer a place that students can go for well-being, whether that’s mind or body or ideally both,” Kolde said.

For those looking for a more efficient weight loss solution, Sanctuary offers Barre classes. Barre is a fusion of Pilates mat, yoga and the conditioning of dancers that drives flexibility and strength. Instructors utilize light weights and resistance bands alongside low impact and repetitive exercises to accomplish toning goals.

“Every body is different, so there are different benefits for everyone. We really try to make sure that people do whatever they need for their body,” Sternold said.

Kolde believes that your yoga studio should be more than just a place to work out and has made it her mission to give the community as many yoga opportunities as possible, including special student packages and Food Bank Fridays. Sanctuary also hosts Power Happy Hour, a glow-in-the-dark yoga rave, as a reminder to take care of your body before going out to party on Fridays.

“You begin a journey with a first step; take it at your own pace and listen to your body. Yoga twice a week will change your body, but yoga three times a week will change you,” Kolde said.