Reader reactions: ‘City Council to decide if pot shops can open downtown, College Hill’

Readers react to the Pullman Planning Commission’s vote last week to recommend the City Council approve amendments to the marijuana zoning code, allowing for pot shops to be opened downtown and in parts of College Hill. Read the full article here. 

Jeff Kuure: “You wouldn’t want to ruin the charming empty and dilapidated storefront ambiance of downtown Pullman with a bunch of weed stores.”

Preston Nolan: “I don’t see the issue, people have been selling weed on College Hill for decades.”

Kyle Strid: “These owners need to stop seeing legal weed as a gold rush because honestly rec stores are just plain old boring retail businesses according to the state. … We treat our alcohol policy as a joke in this country though and alcohol is a contributing factor in a majority of felonies. Guess which one can be served on campus?”

Editor’s note: The comments used in reader reactions are selected from public responses to stories on The Daily Evergreen’s Facebook page. The names listed with the comments are those provided as the individual’s identity on Facebook.