Screenwriter talks film and global violence

By Gabriella Ramos

As many film studies majors know, film production is not the easiest field to enter.

Well-known screenwriter and filmmaker Kevin Willmott will present his lecture “The Origins of Chi-Raq” in the CUB Auditorium tonight.

Willmott will discuss his filmmaking experiences and offer advice to students who aspire to write or produce movies.

“I’m going to talk about how Chi-Raq came together and the problems and difficulties facing Chicago as far as people experiencing gun violence firsthand,” filmmaker Kevin Willmott said, “I will focus on how filmmaking works and the difficulties of creating something different, that has something to say and challenges audiences.”

“The Origins of Chi-Raq” compares the gang wars of Chicago with the violence of the Middle East, according to a press release.

“A quote I often hear Kevin use is, ‘A sellable story is just like life with all of the boring parts left out,’” director of the Visiting Writer Series, Debbie Lee said.

By attending Willmott’s lecture, students will be given the opportunity to get a glimpse behind the scenes of screenplay and movie making, Lee said. Willmott will additionally give advice on how to get into the screenwriting business.

“It’s a lot of fun in different ways. While I hope that I am teaching them, I learn a lot from my interactions with students, hearing their stories and learning from their experiences,” he said.

In addition to filmmaking and screenwriting, Willmott has worked as a peace and civil rights activist, fighting for the rights of the poor, according to a WSU English department press release.

Willmott’s lectures are “funny, lively and creative,” Lee said, “One thing students will get out of this workshop is creative inspiration.”

While Willmott will discuss the interests of film studies majors, his story and message are relatable to a range of audiences.

“The journey of making Chi-Raq come together will speak to anyone who is interested in screenwriting or filmmaking,” Willmott said.

Kevin Willmott will present “The Origins of Chi-Raq” tonight at 5 p.m. in the CUB Auditorium. The lecture is free and open to the public.