Herding the bunnies in a different direction

Sorry, boys, the time of “nudey mags” and an intimate relationship with lotion for your “flashlight” are a thing of the past.

With Internet porn and genitals of all shapes and sizes a click away, Playboy has continued to deliver adult magazines with shapely silicone center folds for years despite the fact the magazines are running at a loss and now have only 800,000 subscribers, according to The New York Times.

In recent months Playboy has removed fully nude images from its websites so it can reach a bigger audience on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook. Since then Playboy has taken their 4 million unique user traffic numbers to a skyrocketing 16 million.

With numbers like this, Playboy simply can’t ignore the results. One of the big wigs approached Mr. Hugh Hefner with plans for a redesign, and Heff decided it was most likely the right move.

Playboy has attempted redesign several times but never fully went through with it because they thought they couldn’t get it to work. But, realizing the meteoric state of the Internet porn industry, Playboy is deciding they won’t go extinct without a fight.

According to several sources, Playboy is still trying to appeal to men but mostly businessmen and the millennial generation. They are hoping to dress it up with some classy art, more political stories and attempting to be the voice of men’s talk for a new generation.

The new design is set to launch in March of next year, but what will that mean for other magazines? Will Playboy even be able to compete?

You had better believe it. Even with a failing magazine, Playboy is still one of the most recognizable symbols in the industrialized world.

Normally, my opinions are not in favor of any of Mr. Hefner’s exploits but, if he could get the mile long list of celebrities and who’s who of the world to write special monthly features for this magazine it could blow (pun intended) the mind of our generation and of generations to come.

Going in a new direction isn’t always a bad thing, and Playboy already had many of the elements they want to use for this re-design already going strong.

The only hurdles for this magazine are how are keeping it polished and steering clear of the zillions of hipster magazines.

Essentially, how are they going to set themselves apart? Are they going to be political or social, have men’s fashion, must read books? How will the women be featured? Will there be a centerfold?

These are all questions the media has been bombarding the Playboy company with over the last few days since the story broke on Monday.

Personally, the Playboy magazine could even make its way to my kitchen table if they choose to talk about real issues in a critical and thoughtful manner.

Because at the end of the day I’d prefer a Playboy (even with the nudes) on my coffee table over the “women belong in the kitchen” Martha Stewart Living, “let’s squawk about sappy love novels for housewives” Oprah Magazine, or that pretentious rubbish bin liner the New Yorker any day of the week.

Jorden Wilson is a senior psychology major from Seattle. She can be contacted at 335-2290 or by [email protected]. The opinions expressed in this column are not necessarily those of the staff of The Daily Evergreen or those of the Office of Student Media.