Take home kits from The Pullman Art Car

Founder has English degree, struggles with self-kindness during pandemic; most popular kits are hand lettering, step-by-step canvases


Katie Bunch Emerson has high hopes for her studio once the pandemic is over.


The passion of art and creativity is something that never goes away. Katie Bunch Emerson is a perfect model of this notion.

Emerson, the founder of The Pullman Art Car, brings creativity on-the-go to Pullman. The Pullman Art Car is a mobile DIY shop that offers popular take home art projects and online classes.

Before COVID-19, Emerson originally had a studio and was offering in-person art classes.

“When COVID-19 hit, it closed down my studio and we started coming up with all these different kits we could do instead of trying to teach,” Emerson said.

When playing with the idea of opening an art studio and offering classes, Emerson originally wanted to make it a “paint and sip” studio where adults could enjoy a drink while making art.

“I just didn’t like the franchise option because I just don’t like for people to tell me what I can and can’t do,” Emerson said.

Emerson has always been artsy and taken art classes. Although she has a degree in English from East Tennessee State University, she found her way back to doing what she loves: art.

Members of The Pullman Art Car are always interested in finding new kits they can offer. Their most popular kit at the moment is a hand lettering kit.

“I just kind of released it because I had a lady come to me saying she would love to learn how to hand letter,” Emerson said.

Outside of her business, Emerson enjoys painting and doing zentangle art, which involves drawing using structured patterns. Of their take home projects, her personal favorite is the step-by-step painted canvases.

“It’s my favorite cause I love to teach that,” Katie said.

Emerson found that one challenge with COVID-19 is having to be kind to herself when trying to record her classes. However, she finds that COVID-19 also challenges her in a good way.

“It’s challenged me a lot to make things in a step-by-step process and think it out more,” Emerson said.

Although the kits have been very popular amongst children, Emerson is excited to get out there more and to get college students interested.

In the future, she hopes to transition The Pullman Art Car into The Pullman Art Bar, where adults over 21 can drink and paint.

“To people considering getting into art, I think you just gotta do it, and not have any expectations,” Emerson said. “You can’t expect anything, just appreciate it for what it is.”

For more information on The Pullman Art Car visit, thepullmanartcar.com.