Pullman brewhouse to promote inclusivity
Brewing industry is not diverse; ownership is under six different indivuals with unique backgrounds
Financial officer Jeremey Johnson wants to create a welcoming environment and is interested in partnering with students.
April 1, 2021
Speaking Bird Brewhouse will open this fall in downtown Pullman with the mission of collaboration and inclusion within the community.
Co-owner and co-founder Sean Owens is currently attending the UC Davis Master Brewers Certificate Program to get his brewers license.
Owens was a veterinarian, faculty member and the associate Dean for the School of Veterinary Medicine at UC Davis.
Speaking Bird Brewhouse will be about creating a place for people to enjoy craft beers made with local ingredients, Owens said.
“We want people to be able to come into our brewery and know that a significant portion of those profits go right back to people in the community that have a need,” he said.
The brewing industry is predominately made up of white men, Owens said. There are not a lot of underrepresented individuals, people of color, indigenous people or women in the profession.
The six owners of Speaking Bird Brewhouse are a group of diverse individuals and expertise, he said.
The team sought a group of people that would allow them to meet their goals and have the greatest chance of success, Owens said.
Financial officer, Jeremey Johnson, is one of the six co-owners of the brewery and provides support from business operations to finances.
Johnson is most excited about the opportunities and interests in partnering with various people, including students, he said.
He wants to create a comfortable place and environment where everyone is welcome and feels comfortable, Johnson said.
The brewhouse menu is going to include a wide variety of beers, ciders, Washington wines and finger-food, Owens said.
Owens said he is most excited for the opportunity to create a place where everyone can get together and meet others over craft beer made by people who love what they do,.
Creating a business that pays and treats employees well, gives back to the community, focuses on social justice, creates quality products with care and skill are components of a successful business, Owens said.
“I want us to be able to attract a broad spectrum of the Pullman community,” he said.
The Speaking Bird Brewhouse is about collaboration and inclusion, not competition, he said.
Jennifer • Apr 6, 2021 at 8:55 am
I’m curious to know more about the group of owners/”diverse individuals”, since that’s what the title would imply the article is focused on. From this article, all I’m getting is “another white male” to add to the industry.