Letter from the editor: Farewell spring semester, hello summer

Graduates helped staff overcome obstacles; Evergreen will start back up May 17


Evergreen editor-in-chief Emma Ledbetter will be back as summer EIC. The first day of summer Evergreen is May 17.

EMMA LEDBETTER, Evergreen news editor

Today marks the last online edition of The Daily Evergreen for spring 2021. It has been one whirlwind of a semester, and I can hardly believe it is almost over. 

Yesterday we published our commencement edition, which featured eight graduating Evergreeners. These are people who I have come to know not only as colleagues but as close friends over my years at The Daily Evergreen. 

It is bittersweet to see them go, but I know they are going to succeed in the real world of adulting. 

I can only hope that when it is my turn to graduate, I will have left as significant of an impact on the Evergreen as our spring 2021 graduates did.

We dealt with a lot this semester and year — a pandemic, political and social unrest, uncertainty about the future of our status as a student publication. 

In spite of all these obstacles, we persevered and came back stronger. I credit that largely to our graduating seniors, who have been guiding lights for those of us just trying to stay afloat.

Looking ahead, we will take two weeks off in order to focus on our finals and give our brains a much-needed break. The Daily Evergreen will resume producing online content May 17 and will continue throughout the summer. 

I am happy to be staying on as editor-in-chief through the summer, alongside an incredible staff of editors who are talented, eager to learn and ready to serve readers. My friend and colleague, Loren Negron, will take over as editor-in-chief in the fall. I am excited to see everything she accomplishes during her time in this position.

Until our next online edition, farewell from The Daily Evergreen.