Pen pals 101: Getting started writing
This special hobby can help build friendships even across vast distances
Having a pen pal can promote mindfulness.
June 30, 2021
Some people have their first pen pal as a kid in elementary school, if at all, but might lose touch or interest in pen palling again. I am here to remind you of the fun and unique experience that is pen palling!
Considering picking up pen palling as a new hobby can be a special and beneficial hobby to have. From building a bond of friendship with others to using it as a learning tool to learn about other cultures, pen palling can be lots of fun. It gives a chance to learn about someone and create a friendship in a new and fun way.
So, how do I get started? Well, that’s easy! All you need are a pencil, paper, envelope, stamp and pen pal. The fact that pen palling is such an inexpensive hobby makes it all the more worth it. You need minimal material to create, and the rest is additional for fun! Using your creative muscle, you can load your card with stickers, decorative tape and drawings to go along with your letters.
Creating these letters is a great way to practice creativity and art and benefit from the positives of writing. There are many benefits for your mental health and wellbeing that come with creating art, and pen palling is a beautiful way to put that into motion. It might be minimal details, but designing and laying out is still a creative act.
Writing to a new friend also opens the door to learning about the world from another perspective. There are no rules to pen palling that state they must be from another country like some might believe, although it would be a good learning opportunity. However, writing to someone in another state, or another location in your state, doesn’t mean that you have a less meaningful experience.
What’s excellent about pen palling is that everyone is so different and unique in the world that no matter where your pen pal is from, you have a window to see into a life you don’t already know. Experiences that you may not have had, fun and wild stories, and a perspective on the world you may have never considered. It is a great way to make a friend unconventionally and build connections in other locations. There also aren’t any different rules stating you can’t have more than one pen pal!
It is also a great feeling to connect with someone using different methods.
It is also a great way to implement mindfulness into your life. Through being present when you think about what you would like to say in your letter, being in a mindful state is a great thing to practice at any time of life. I also find that my experience has taught me to be aware of my everyday life.
When I write, it makes me think about what I am grateful for in my life and what I am enjoying. I love that pen pals feel the same way, and I can offer advice and help to others as well! Having a unique friend can be a great experience that could lead to years and years of a lasting friendship.