Letter from the editor: ‘Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it only helped the reporter’

Loren Negron will serve as fall editor-in-chief; Evergreen will return for Week of Welcome


Editor-in-chief Emma Ledbetter, pictured here, is grateful for all the people she worked with in her role.

EMMA LEDBETTER, Evergreen news editor

As with most of my stories, I had plenty of time to write this and waited until the last possible day. That is right, it is officially my last day as editor-in-chief of The Daily Evergreen, and this is my last leditor in that capacity.

I felt very ill-equipped when I started this position. I had only been a section editor for one semester, and I am not a journalism major. However, I spent a lot of time watching — sitting in the newsroom, covering many different stories and asking fellow editors lots of questions. 

For me, observing all the different aspects of the Evergreen helped me land on my feet as editor-in-chief. As I often tell the Evergreen staff, being curious — or, in my case, nosy — can be one of your best assets as a journalist. Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it only helped the reporter. 

Our incoming editor-in-chief, Loren Negron, is someone who has been waiting and watching in the newsroom for many semesters. I have seen her quietly process everything we do as a student publication, and I know nothing escapes her eagle eye. She has observed and filed away more than any of us can imagine, which is why she is going to be an excellent editor-in-chief. Her skills are top-notch, and I know she has the knowledge to back them up.

This summer, I have watched Loren plan for the fall as Evergreen editor-in-chief. I am excited to serve as deputy news editor under her because I know she has amazing things planned. 

As I pass the torch to Loren, I wanted to reflect on the spring and summer I served as Evergreen editor-in-chief. It has been a wild ride, but I have learned so much.

I am mostly grateful for all the relationships I formed with editors, writers and visual artists at the Evergreen. They are talented, passionate and dedicated to serving our Pullman and WSU communities with strong journalism. They are what makes this publication great. 

Our staff has earned a much-needed break. We will take several weeks off before returning to print for Week of Welcome. During that time, we will relax, recharge and train so we can start the semester with our best foot forward. 

To our readers — thank you for trusting us to write about the stories that affect you. Our goal is always to serve you with true, relevant, well-reported stories. 

If you have feedback for us, please email [email protected].Â