Bryan Hall receives face-lift

Windows repainted with non-leaded paint; other projects include auditorium, vestibule staircase


Construction workers repair the Bryan Hall clock tower Monday afternoon at Washington State University.

ABBY DAVIS, Evergreen copy chief

WSU Facilities Services’ paint shop workers are about two-thirds of the way through painting every window frame on Bryan Hall. 

Workers are replacing leaded paint with safer, non-leaded paint. Structural Supervisor Randy Cavanaugh said the lead-based paint was not the driving force to complete the project. 

However, working with lead does complicate the situation, he said. There are certain measures in place and equipment required, like Tyvek suits, to ensure worker safety.

Cavanaugh said the project started the first week of June and will most likely not wrap up until the spring. Painters will work until the end of September when the weather takes a turn for the worse.

Facilities Services is also working on various other paint projects in Bryan Hall, including the auditorium and vestibule staircase. 

 “It’s a historical building on campus,” he said. “We need to keep up with the maintenance.”