PB&J club trades sandwiches for student feedback

Free sandwiches available at noon every Wednesday; groups can sponsor PB&J club days


ASWSU sponsored a PB&J club day to help advertise the group.

ABBY SONNICHSEN, Evergreen Photographer

WSU’s Peanut Butter and Jelly Club hands out free sandwiches at noon every Wednesday on the first floor of the Compton Union Building. 

The CUB and Facilities Services host the club. Other clubs, departments or organizations can sponsor a PB&J club day to advertise for their group. They buy the prepackaged sandwiches through Dining Services, said Daniel “Dan” Ibarra, CUB facilities and operations coordinator. 

Students must answer one quick question to receive a free sandwich. The questions are structured to provide feedback about the CUB, Ibarra said. 

Questions have been about restaurants in the food court area, programming and entertainment opportunities, types of furniture and other general additions to the CUB, Ibarra said.

“[After the] first year of the pandemic, we’re trying to slowly ease into full operations of the building,” Ibarra said. “[We are] trying to be strategic in what we offer, what’s best suited for what the students want right now.”

Senior psychology major Dylan Toomey said he found out about the PB&J club by seeing it advertised on one of the TVs in the CUB. 

“I like peanut butter and jelly and I’m a broke college student,” Toomey said. “So free food is free food.”

When a group sponsors a PB&J club day, club members hand out quarter sheets of paper with each sandwich to help spread the word about upcoming events and the group’s social media, Ibarra said. 

ASWSU has sponsored a PB&J club day twice this school year. Staff members and senators volunteer to hand out sandwiches, he said.