Letter from the editor: welcome to the Evergreen
Editor-in-chief shares new goals for Evergreen; new sections, new publications
Editor-in-chief had no idea what the future was going to bring her, but the universe (and the tarot cards) brought her down the right path.
January 13, 2022
Dear readers,
Hello and welcome. I am Sandi and I am the editor-in-chief for the Daily Evergreen (woo woo). My name has been around the Evergreen for quite some time, but this time, I have some big-ass goals for this semester.
Yes, that’s right, some major goals. My managing editor, Meghan Henry, and I have been working all through winter break to bring you the best possible Evergreen we can. That being said, we did cut back on some things (insert sad face here). Though they are not bad cutbacks, they are still different from what our readers are used to.
We will no longer have a Mint section; Henry and I spent a lot of time contemplating and analyzing and decided that we should dedicate an entire section to Culture and cultural diversity. So, drum roll, please, we have added Culture!
Along with that, we realize that newspapers seem like they are meant for older adults (which should not be the case), so we have created a Multimedia section on our website. Sheila Johnson has taken on this huge role to create something out of nothing. Honestly, we all expected her ideas to come true in late March or early April. But, of course, she proved us wrong. Within a week, she had created everything we needed and more.
This semester we are introducing our e-newsletter, podcast and video interviews. I recommend all of you readers subscribe to the e-newsletter, as it has sneak peeks into what we are working on and first access to videos. It’s seriously *chef’s kiss.*
Never in my life did I think I would be so satisfied and proud of my work and my team’s work. Baby Sandi had no idea what the world would throw at her, but it turned out better than she expected. From being a shy baby version of myself to the woman I’ve become now and the leader I can be, I cannot express my gratitude and love for the Evergreen.
So, readers, I urge you to follow along this journey with me. Sign up for our e-newsletter, follow our podcast and our social media platforms, and of course, send us any story ideas and topics you’d like us to cover. My metaphorical door is always open, so shoot me an email at editor@dailyevergreen.com. Plus, we are always welcoming new reporters and photographers, so if you’re interested, please apply. I’d love to add you to our wonderful team.
With all the love and good vibes,
Sandi Kobiesa, editor-in-chief.