Message from the sports editor

Abbott’s first year with the Daily Evergreen


Abbott at a WSU football game during the 2021 season.

TOM ABBOTT, Evergreen sports editor

My name is Tom Abbott, and I am currently the sports editor at The Daily Evergreen. 

Sports writing is something I have wanted to do for a very long time. One of my first memories associated with sports writing was at a UC Irvine men’s basketball game about six years ago. I remember writing a recap of the game and showing my dad what I had written. My father used to be a sports editor in his younger days, which made asking for critiques somewhat daunting. I am thankful for my dad’s influence on my writing and hope he is proud of me when he reads this little introduction. 

One of my goals for this semester is to cover Pullman area sports such as high school events and club games. My hope is that we can connect better with the local area while also providing a media outlet for events that may not be covered by other news outlets.

I also want to see our presence on social media grow substantially. Currently, the sports twitter for The Daily Evergreen has around 70 followers. I would like to see that number at least double by the end of the semester.

Last semester, I covered WSU football and men’s basketball. After gaining experience with those opportunities, I feel well-equipped to lead the sports section in a positive direction this semester. 

We have some great writers in the sports section, and I would like to give each of them an opportunity to cover multiple sports. My hope with this is that writers will gain experience covering different sports to create a more well-rounded portfolio.

Feel free to send a message to with any suggestions that you may have for the sports section. I look forward to reading your responses.