Students reflect on Random Acts of Kindness Day, ways to encourage peers

Get coffee for friend, professor; talk to someone sitting alone


Students in the Compton Union Building answer what Random Acts of Kidness Day means to them on Feb. 14.

GENEVA BREMS, Evergreen reporter

Random Acts of Kindness Day is celebrated all over the world on Feb. 17 as a way to encourage individuals and organizations to display their kind acts for other people. 

Many WSU students on Glenn Terrell Mall had heard of the day, but none knew it was happening today. Many of the students said they would do something kind. Other students said they have received random acts of kindness through others paying for their food in a drive-thru line or their roommates making them breakfast.

“Random acts of kindness make everyone feel not alone — like there are people out there for you,” said Tianna Lee, sophomore wildlife ecology major.  

Random acts of kindness are a great way to bond people together and get to know others while doing something nice for them, said sophomore nursing major Grace Russell.

“It’s a day to spread little acts of kindness and, hopefully, to make someone’s day a little better. It can be difficult going to university sometimes. So it’s just nice to have a little pick me up,” said junior zoology major Nicole Ehr.

Sophomore pre-pharmacy major Maori Quizon said it is important to do something kind every day all year. An action as simple as opening the door for someone every day can be an act of kindness.

The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation commemorates Random Acts of Kindness Week every year and encourages others to celebrate, according to the foundation website.

Marisa Barrett, senior basic medical sciences major, said someone complimented her outfit and told her to have a good day, which cheered her up and made her feel special. She always tries to include other people, and if she sees someone in a class by themselves, she sits with them.

For Random Acts of Kindness Day, Barrett plans on checking in on someone, asking how their day is going and trying to make people’s day. 

Here are some ways to observe the day: 

  • Get coffee for someone you know or a professor.
  • Pay for someone behind you in line at a drive-thru.
  • Talk to someone that is alone in class or include other people to make everyone feel welcome.
  • Make a special snack for someone.
  • Keep the door open for a group of people.
  • Send a front-line worker a thank you note, or just smile. 
  • Send the people you love a kind message.

Or simply reach out to people you have not talked to in a while and send an “I am thinking of you” text.