Coach Dickert to discuss leadership at ‘Deep Dish’ event Wednesday


Head football coach Jake Dickert is set to speak about leadership during an event Wednesday in the CUB Auditorium.

LIAM CONNORS, Deputy news editor

Head football coach Jake Dickert will discuss leadership in times of change during a “Deep Dish” event from 4-6 p.m. Wednesday in the Compton Union Building Auditorium. 

The event is sponsored by the Center for Student Organizations and Leadership and will provide leadership talks with experts, according to Coug Presence.

After the talk, there will be a question and answer session. Free pizza will also be provided at the event, according to Coug Presence

Dickert became the interim coach after former head coach Nick Rolovich was fired with cause, according to a Daily Evergreen article. Dickert was officially named head coach in November.