Daylon’s Daily: Summer Flow
Reflecting on my time in college, planning how to finish strong
Hicks prepares to jump during an indoor track meet on Jan. 14 at the Podium in Spokane, Wash.
June 9, 2022
Sitting on the plane and watching the clouds from above made my mind wander. My season ending and being a senior was all I could think about.
The future is coming quickly, and a piece of me is scared of it.
On one hand, I was frustrated because I was leaving Pullman so soon and I was falling short of my goal, but on the other hand, I had to accept reality. Summer is here, so I have to make the most of it.
When I made it home after the drive to San Francisco, I had no big goals at first. I wanted to sit and reflect on the future. Time flew quickly being in college, but the fact that I am a senior already is a lot to take in.
With only two semesters to go, it’s mind-boggling to see how people around me are growing up and making different challenges, but I feel as if I stayed the same.
When I think about my years in college so far, they have honestly been underwhelming. Between dealing with the pandemic and all the challenges that came with it, I barely got the chance to join new clubs or make new friends. However, the good moments in college made the years worthwhile, like hanging out with friends and exploring campus on my electric scooter.
As I headed back to my old room back home, I had the goal of making this summer a productive one, but a fun one as well. I felt that more than anything I deserved to enjoy myself, because I know next year will be time-consuming with the responsibilities of being a senior.
One of the goals I set for myself is to develop as my own person this summer, which involves progress with my personal projects.
With my music page, I plan on doing new experiments, interviewing new artists and reviewing different genres. The advancements in my music page help me become a better writer, which is what I strive for each day.
From being a Digital Technology and Culture major to a communications major, the important lesson I continue to learn each day is how to express my writing to a wide audience, which at times can be quite difficult for me.
Improving on high jump is a focal piece for my summer progress. In order for me to get truly better as a jumper, I have to push myself until I simply cannot, and the summer is important to regain that mindset.
I want to heavily involve myself with inner peace, such as stretching better and enrolling in yoga classes down the road.
I know that things in life are not going to come together in one day, but my work will speak for itself in the fall.
This is the summer that I find myself.